About the Science of Ark
The science of preparation of Ark (distillate) is attributed to Ravan, who was also a great scholar and a scientist. One of his scholarly works is ‘Arka Prakasha’ (book of Siddha medicine), in which there is extensive information about preparation of ark and the appliances and the various substances needed to prepare ark. These findings have significantly contributed to the development of ‘Rasa Shastra’ and ‘Bhaishajya Kalpana’. There are many different types of ark that are used for therapies in Ayurvedic medicine.
About Gaumutra
Gaumutra has been described at length in certain literary works of Ayurveda such as ‘Sushruta Samhita’, ‘Ashtanga Sangraha’ and other such compositions. In these written works mention that gaumutra consists countless therapeutic properties. It is not considered as a toxic animal waste. It has 95% water, 2.5 % urea, and 2.5% of other rich minerals, salts, hormones, and enzymes. It is due to these components that it has numerous health benefits, including increasing immunity, treating infections, cancer, wound, cardiovascular problems, blood purification, eye problems, obesity, bone weakness, and so on. It is also used with cow dung, cow’s milk, and other herbals contents as a biopesticide in organic farming. To gain its medicinal benefits, gaumutra should be consumed within 4 minutes (while it is warm) since it is discharged. It is not advisable to consume it once it cools down.
Important Facts
- 1 The Gir-cows, whose gaumutra is used to make ark, graze in the open, so since they consume natural feed, their urine contains highly effective medicinal content.
- 2 We do not collect the gaumutra from sick cows and cows in periods (45 before and after pregnancy).
- 3 Gaumutra ark has ‘surya-ketu’ effect, which enhances its medicinal properties.
- 4 These ark compositions have innumerable medicinal benefits, including detoxification, cancer cell destruction, weight reduction, improved digestion, and so on.
- 5 It should be given to a child-bearing women while she feeds the child, and then to the child after he stops feeding.
Production Method
- 1 We collect fresh Gir-cow’s gaumutra (cow urine) before the sunrise (at about 5am) to make the ark. [Except during chandra-grahan (lunar eclipse), surya-grayan (solar eclipse), ekadashi (the 11th day of a fortnight), and amaas/amavasya (new moon).]
- 2 It is put in a machine specially made for distillation of gaumutra, and it is heated on a low flame.
- 3 The ark (condensed vapour) is then collected drop-by-drop in a steel vessel. (Only 50% of gaumutra vapour is collected to make the ark.)
- 4 By adding different ingredients in the ark, we then prepare various types of gaumutra ark.
- 5 After taking 50% of vaporized gaumutra to make ark, the remaining part (‘kshar’), which is left in solid and liquid content, is heated on a low flame for 3 to 4 hours. When one-fourth part remains, necessary herbs are added to make this ghanvati.